Utterance by Pastor Bitely, April 4, 2018
Down in my spirit I could hear these words: “For My Glory is real. My Glory comes from Me. It is what surrounds Me. Heaven is made up of My Glory. My angels sit in My Glory and when angels come down and they come into your service you might not see the angels, but you can become aware of the Glory that they bring with them. For just as I said in My Word that I am pouring out My Spirit in these last days upon all flesh; I am also pouring out My Glory. For My Glory shall be seen by many and not by just a few anymore. My Glory shall come into this place in greater ways and in greater measures and many will see and many will say I saw the Glory tonight. I saw the Glory. I saw the cloud of God and My Glory is not there to thrill you, to chill you. My Glory is there to bless you. For I am at work. My Spirit is at work. When you set to know My Glory is there My Spirit is working in ways you know not of. But if you will believe, if you will believe, the Glory is working for you,” saith the Lord.
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